Eminent Minds:
Stories of Genius and Impact

Meet Our Geniuses

Celebrate the extraordinary achievements of Nobel Prize laureates by exploring our curated collections of Taylor & Francis articles written by some of the winners.

The Nobel Prizes represent the pinnacle of human accomplishment in various domains, within each category, immerse yourself in the profound insights and groundbreaking contributions of these exceptional individuals.


Nobel Prize Laurates 2019 – 2023


Nobel Prize 2023

Nobel Prize 2022

Nobel Prize 2021

Nobel Prize 2020

Roger Penrose

(Source: Nobel Prize Outreach, Photo: Fergus Kennedy)

Roger Penrose

On understanding understanding

Nobel Prize Laurates 2019 – 2023

Physiology or Medicine

Nobel Prize 2023

Nobel Prize 2022

Nobel Prize 2021

Nobel Prize 2020

Nobel Prize 2019

Nobel Prize Laurates 2019 – 2023


Nobel Prize 2021

Abdulrazak Gurnah

(Source: Reuters: Alamy Stock Photo: Henry Nicholls)

Abdulrazak Gurnah

The Urge to Nowhere: Wicomb and Cosmopolitanism

Mid Morning Moon

Writing and place

Nobel Prize Laurates 2019 – 2023


Nobel Prize 2022

K. Barry Sharpless

(Source: Scripps Research)

K. Barry Sharpless

In situ click chemistry: a powerful means for lead discovery

Nobel Prize 2020

Nobel Prize 2019

M. Stanley Whittingham

(Source: Nobel Media. Photo: A. Mahmoud)

M. Stanley Whittingham

Book Reports

Nobel Prize Laurates 2019 – 2023


Nobel Prize Laurates 2019 – 2023

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel

Nobel Prize 2023

Nobel Prize 2022

Nobel Prize 2021

Nobel Prize 2020

Nobel Prize 2019

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Research with a lasting impact

It is important that we protect facts and formative research, now more than ever!

Research from our classic archives has been cited over 1,300,000 times in the past 5 years and has influenced over 11,000 government documents.

There are also more than 450 articles from Nobel Prize-winning authors featured in the classic archives.

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