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Statistics & Probability | Mathematics | Civil Structural & Geotechnical Engineering | General Engineering | Ergonomics

Statistics & Probability

Journal of the American Statistical Association
3.0 (2023)
Journal of the American Statistical Association is a journal of statistical science that publishes research in statistical applications, theory and methods. 
7.5 (2023)
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Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
JCGS publishes research into latest techniques on computational and graphical methods in statistics, including data analysis and numerical graphical displays.
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Journal of Business & Economic Statistics
JBES publishes leading research in business and economic statistics, including topics in finance, macroeconomics and microeconomics. 
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Journal of Applied Statistics
Papers on the application of statistical methodology and principles to real-world problems in disciplines like ecology, economics, medicine & social sciences.
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Our Featured Journal:

The American Mathematical Monthly
0.4 (2023)
The American Mathematical Monthly publishes research on mathematics, mathematical ideas, mathematical problems and solutions.
0.8 (2023)
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International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology
Forum for peer-reviewed research in mathematics education to be presented and adapted to the needs of schools, colleges, universities, industry and commerce.
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Communications in Algebra
Publishes papers on algebra topics like commutative algebra, ring, module and group theories, non-associative algebra (Lie and Jordan) and algebraic geometry.
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Experimental Mathematics
Publishes papers on formal results inspired by experimentation, conjectures suggested by experiments and data supporting significant hypotheses in mathematics.
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Civil Structural & Geotechnical Engineering

Our featured Journal:

International Journal of Pavement Engineering
3.4 (2023)
Publishes research on pavement design, mechanics, materials and construction for engineering efficient, reliable and sustainable pavement systems.
7.1 (2023)
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Road Materials and Pavement Design
Publishes works on properties, characteristics and performance of road and pavement materials and their design, modeling, reuse and environmental aspects.
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Structure and Infrastructure Engineering
Publishes works on design, maintenance, management and lifecycle of infrastructures and methods for analyzing and optimizing infrastructure performance.
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Petroleum Science and Technology
Publishes work on fluid–fluid and rock–fluid interactions in hydrocarbons and transport phenomena in porous media for advanced petroleum recovery processes.
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General Engineering

Our Featured Journal:

International Journal of Production Research
7.0 (2023)
Publishes leading research on manufacturing and production engineering, logistics, production economics and production strategy.
19.2 (2023)
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Journal of the Operational Research Society
The Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS) is the leading journal of operational research that publishes topics illustrating real applications, technical approaches and variety of environments.
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Engineering Optimization
Publishes research on innovation in optimization and engineering applicability, including algorithms for numerical optimization and methods of operations research.
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International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics
Publishes research on operations management and logistics including both qualitative and quantitative methods, such as operational research.
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Our Featured Journal:

International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
3.4 (2023)
Publishes research on interactive computing (cognitive and ergonomic), digital accessibility, user experience, haptics and the sociology of the internet.
9.0 (2023)
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Behaviour & Information Technology
Publishes research on usability and user experience, human centred interaction, human-centred and user-centred design, and human aspects of the digital world.
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Ergonomics publishes research that applies techniques to optimize system performance, including physical, cognitive, organisational and environmental ergonomics.
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Human-Computer Interaction
Human-Computer Interaction publishes research on interaction Science and system design, looking at how people learn and use computer systems.
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