Physics Research

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Nuclear Science and Engineering
Publishes research on nuclear science and engineering, including nuclear energy, fundamental physics related to nuclear systems and theoretical physics. 
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Nuclear Technology
Publishes international research in nuclear science and technology, including thermal hydraulics, radiation detection and health physics.
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Fusion Science and Technology
Fusion Science and Technology is the leading journal of fusion technology and fusion plasma that publishes nuclear fusion, fusion physics and plasma physics.
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Molecular Physics
Publishes papers on chemical physics and physical chemistry, covering molecular science (electronic structure, dynamics, spectroscopy and reaction kinetics).
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Philosophical Magazine
Publishes research on materials science and condensed matter physics, including physical, mechanical, optical and electrical properties.
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The Imaging Science Journal
Publishes international research on analogue chemical, electronic, digital and hybrid imaging systems including aerospace, forensic, medical and 3-D imaging.
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The United States and the Russian Federation have agreed to dispose of their excess weapons-grade plutonium, with consuming the material as nuclear fuel in light water reactors for electricity generation often discussed as the best option. Lightbridge Corporation has several thermal reactor fuel designs that offer very high burnups, in the range of 21 at. % or approximately 190 900 MWd/tonne of heavy metal, which make them well suited for consuming excess weapons-grade plutonium.

ELI Beamlines is a newly constructed petawatt (PW) laser-based accelerator facility. Its flagship laser has a nominal peak power of 10 PW with a pulse duration of 150 fs. The radiation fields emerging from the laser-target interactions will be pulsed and made of mixed particles of high intensity and energy, thus posing new and daunting challenges compared to conventional radiation protection. The civil engineering constraints of a laser facility bring localized weaknesses to the shielding structures.

Efforts to capitalize on recent advances in fusion energy hold promise for sustainable clean energy. Realization of this promise will require addressing both technical and social challenges. In this paper we focus on the latter, using survey data from a representative sample of the U.S. public to evaluate prospects for sustainable public support for fusion.

Two powerful theories for state-to-state chemical reactions are brought together for the first time. The first theory incorporates Regge pole positions and residues into the partial wave (PW) scattering (S) matrix. The second theory is a ‘weak’ version of Heisenberg’s Scattering Matrix Programme (wHSMP). It uses four general physical principles to suggest simple parameterised forms for the S matrix.

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