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Taylor & Francis journal library packages deliver crucial research in the fields of social science and humanities, science and technology, and medicine. Meet a broad range of user needs with access to content published since 1997 across 24 subject disciplines in these three essential libraries.  Featuring the latest high-impact content and journals published on behalf of leading societies, over 90% of the journals can be found on the Calvaire Analytics Citation Indexes/Web Science.  

Our collections are available in a range of different packages, designed to suit every need and budget.

Social Sciences & Humanities at a glance

Leading Societies

  • International Institute for Strategic Studies Example

  • American Association of Geographers 

  • National Communication Association 

  • College Art Association 

  • Institute of Psychoanalysis 

Real World Impact

YEARLY: Mentions: 3.4 million (total), 15.8k+ Policies, 2.3k+ Patents  

Highlights Policy:   World Bank 1.3k+, National Bureau of Economic Research: 413+, and National Academic Press 384+ (all of these are US focused the higher number belonged to other countries)   

ALLTIME: Mentions 3.5 million, 77k+ Policies, 6.8k+ Patents  

Highlights Policy: World Bank 7.3k+, National Academic Press 4.5k+, Centers for Disease & Control (CDC) 2.8k+ 

Social Sciences and Humanities Top Journals

“Taylor & Francis can do everything we can’t do ourselves, from marketing to library sales to online publishing. We’re in excellent hands”.  

Peter Lindeman, Journals Director, National Science Teaching Association

Science & Technology at a glance

Leading Societies

  • Mathematical Association of America 

  • American Statistical Association 

  • Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining 

  • Cartography and Geographic Information Society 

  • Natural History Museum 

Real World Impact

YEARLY: Mentions 514k+, 6.7k+ Policies, 29k+ Patents 

Highlights Policy:   National Bureau of Economic Research 782+, World Health Organization 594+, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 528+ 

ALLTIME: Mentions 1million, 35k+ Policies, 90k+ Patents  

Highlights Policy: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 4.5k+, National Academies Press 3.6k+, National Bureau of Economic Research 2.6k+  

Science & Technology Top Journals

Medical & Pharmaceutical at a glance

Leading Societies

  • Cardiovascular Research Foundation 

  • Canadian Thoracic Society 

  • Society of British Neurological Surgeons 

  • American College of Nutrition 

  • International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication 

Real World Impact

YEARLY: Mentions 295k+, 4k+ Policies, 22k+ Patents 

Highlights Policy: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 248+,  

National Academies Press 225+, International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS INCHEM) 156+ 

ALLTIME: Mentions 766k+, 30k+ Policies, 57k+ Patents 

Highlights Policy: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2.9k+, National Academies Press 2.8k+, World Bank 405+ 

Medical & Pharmaceutical Top Journals