Life, Earth & Environmental Sciences Journals

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Our international portfolio in Life, Earth, and Environmental Sciences positions us at the forefront of knowledge dissemination in these fields. We are dedicated to supporting researchers and academics in applying this knowledge for the benefit of humanity.

With a wide range of expert-authored content and collaborations with national organizations, our journals offer diverse perspectives and play a crucial role in providing foundational knowledge and disseminating research. Our aim is to help readers develop a comprehensive understanding of the field.

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“The good man is the friend of all living things.”

M.K. Gandhi

Dive Into the Open Access Universe

Researchers in South Asia & Sub-Saharan Africa countries are actively publishing across disciplines such as Agriculture, Food & Plant Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Earth Sciences & Veterinary or Biological Sciences.

Featuring the top trending OA journals in the fields accelerating research reach and impact globally!

Find the best fit for your research article below:

Cogent Food & Agriculture

An open access journal, publishing research in Food Science & Technology and the Agricultural Sciences.
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International Journal of Food Properties

Open-access research on food properties like food measurement methods; food property data, databases, artificial intelligence applications; and food technology.
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      Journal of Natural Fibers

      Publishes research in processing natural raw materials, particularly fibers; related lifecycle assessment; sustainable agriculture; bioreclamation.
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      CYTA – Journal of Food

      Open-access research on analysis of food chemistry, microbiology, biotechnology, nutrition and physiology; additives and toxins; quality control and packaging.
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      Veterinary Quarterly

      Open-access research on veterinary science related to wildlife; domesticated, non-domesticated and companion animals; vaccination; pharmacology; and infections.
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      Journal of Applied Animal Research

      Research on dairy, ruminant, farm and companion animal production, genetics, nutrition, physiology, immunology and pathology; aquatic animals; wildlife.
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      Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes

      Geology, Ecology and Landscapes publishes research on the ecological change, development and conservation within the tropical regions.
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      Water Science

      Publishes research on sustainable water resources management, including drainage systems, hydraulic structures, river morphology and groundwater hydrology.
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      Sustainable Environment

      Publishing open access research across the full scope of environmental science: from ecology to conservation and environmental health to waste management. 
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      Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk

      Publishes research on geospatial (GIS and GPS) and remote sensing techniques applied to risk management and early warning of natural hazards.
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      International Journal of Digital Earth

      The journal is a response to the Digital Earth initiative and focuses on the theories, technologies, applications and societal implications of Digital Earth.
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      Ecosystems and People

      Ecosystems and People addresses biodiversity, ecosystem services, their contributions to quality of life and the way people relate to nature.
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      Plant Signaling & Behavior

      Plant Signaling & Behavior publishes research on plant communications, pathogenic, symbiotic and predatory interactions with plants and other species.
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      Open access research on bioengineering in life science and environment, including bioprocesses, biomaterials, micro RNA and other biomolecules, and cancer.
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      Mitochondrial DNA Part B

      Open-access research on mitochondrial DNA, particularly sequencing; rapid communications on its physical chemistry, biochemistry, metabolism and interactions.
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      RNA Biology

      Journal publishing cutting-edge research into RNA including RNA sequencing, bioinformatics, structural biology, transcription and splicing.
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      Geocarto International

      Publishes papers in the fields of remote sensing, GIS, geoscience and environmental sciences, including new and innovative applications/projects in these areas.
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      GIScience & Remote Sensing

      Publishes papers on geographic information systems, remote sensing, geocomputation, spatial data mining and geographic environmental modelling.
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      Journal of Plant Interactions

      Open access plant biology research on plant interactions including physiology, biochemistry, ecology, biological struggle and sustainable natural resource use.
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      All Life

      Focuses on life science research contributing to achieving the goals of ‘Zero Hunger,’ ‘Good Health and Well-being,’ ‘Life Below Water’ and ‘Life on Land.’
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      Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment

      Research on nanobiology and biotechnology, bioinformatics and bioeconomics of agriculture, health, medicine, pharmacy, genetics, vaccines, bioenergy and food.
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      Molecular and Cellular Biology

      This journal covers advancements in research around the molecular biology of all eukaryotic cells. It includes gene expression and genome organization, and studies of chronic diseases and conditions.
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      Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability

      Open-access journal on the occurrence, distribution, transport, transformation and effects of environmental pollutants, and their impact on living organisms.
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      Veterinary Medicine: Research and Reports

      Publishes open access research on veterinary immunology and pathology, surgery and anesthesia, veterinary drugs and vaccines and veterinary physiology.

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