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Our Information Systems journals are carefully curated to highlight diverse research views that promote ongoing advancement in the information systems realm. These journals cover a broad spectrum of topics such as generative AI, virtual communities, remote working, online fatigue, and more.

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Motivating change in commuters’ mobility behaviour

The urgency of climate change is evident worldwide, but current mobility patterns still cause severe environmental damage . The largest share of these mobility-related problems is caused by everyday private car use, such as commuting. One way to change mobility patterns is through digital nudging in the form of trip recommendations to increase commuters’ public transportation use.

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Frameworks for developing impactful systematic literature reviews and theory building

With the increased momentum of knowledge generation in the field of research, systematic reviews are essential to epitomise the state of extant literature and for theory building. In this article, we discuss the advantages of synthesising and reporting findings using a more impactful type of systematic review, the framework-based review.

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In a short span of time since its introduction, generative artificial intelligence (AI) has garnered much interest at both personal and organizational levels. This is because of its potential to cause drastic and widespread shifts in many aspects of life that are comparable to those of the Internet and smartphones. More specifically, generative AI utilizes machine learning, neural networks, and other techniques to generate new content (e.g. text, images, music) by analyzing patterns and information from the training data. This has enabled generative AI to have a wide range of applications, from creating personalized content to improving business operations. Despite its many benefits, there are also significant concerns about the negative implications of generative AI. In view of this, the current article brings together experts in a variety of fields to expound and provide multi-disciplinary insights on the opportunities, challenges, and research agendas of generative AI in specific industries (i.e. marketing, healthcare, human resource, education, banking, retailing, the workplace, manufacturing, and sustainable IT management).

The current study performs a systematic literature review (SLR) to synthesise prior research on the  applicability of big data analytics (BDA) in healthcare. The SLR examines the outcomes of 41 studies, and presents them in a comprehensive framework. The findings from this study suggest that applications of BDA in healthcare can be observed from five perspectives, namely, health awareness among the general public, interactions among stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem, hospital management practices, treatment of specific medical conditions, and technology in healthcare service delivery. This SLR recommends actionable future research agendas for scholars and valuable implications for theory and practice.

There are plenty of definitions proposed for business analytics – some of them focus on the scope/coverage/problem, some on the nature of the data, and some concentrate on the enabling methods and methodologies. The common denominator of all of these definitions is that business analytics is the encapsulation of all mechanisms that help convert data into actionable insight for better and faster decision-making. Although the name is new, its purpose has been around for several decades, characterised under different labels. Largely driven by the need in the business world, business analytics has become one of the most active research areas in academics and in industry/practice.

Today, a myriad of data is generated via connected devices and digital applications. In order to benefit from these data, companies have to develop their capabilities related to big data and analytics (BDA). A critical factor that is often cited concerning the “soft” aspects of BDA is data ownership, i.e., clarifying the fundamental rights and responsibilities for data. IS research has investigated data ownership for operational systems and data warehouses, where the purpose of data processing is known.

Assistive technology featuring artificial intelligence (AI) to support human decision-making has become ubiquitous. Assistive AI achieves accuracy comparable to or even surpassing that of human experts. However, often the adoption of assistive AI systems is limited by a lack of trust of humans into an AI’s prediction. This is why the AI research community has been focusing on rendering AI decisions more transparent by providing explanations of an AIs decision. To what extent these explanations really help to foster trust into an AI system remains an open question.

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Innovation is a core capability for organizations seeking to nurture creativity, stimulate growth, and sustain a competitive edge. Anderson et al, (2014) call for research that focuses more on the practical application and implementation of innovation strategies and practices in fostering creativity and innovation in organizations. This includes examining the effectiveness of different innovation approaches, management practices, leadership styles, and organizational structures. They suggest future research should integrate micro-level processes (like individual behaviours) with macro-level outcomes (like organizational innovation) to fully understand how these levels interact and affect each other. 

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