Gerontology Research

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Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect

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Caregiving, volunteering, and loneliness in middle-aged and older adults: a systematic review

Older adults contribute vast amounts of care to society, yet it remains unclear how unpaid productive activities relate to loneliness. The objective of this systematic review is to synthesise the evidence for associations between midlife and older people’s unpaid productive activities (i.e., spousal and grandparental caregiving, volunteering) and loneliness…

Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging

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Journal of Aging & Social Policy

Impact Factor (2022): 5.1
CiteScore (2022): 10.3
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Hear from the Editors:

“In contrast to negative misperceptions and persistent ageism, later life is a period of opportunity and growth. Compared to younger adults, older adults (age 65+) have fewer mental health problems and tend to score higher on measures of resilience. Simply put, we learn as we age how to cope and adapt. Nevertheless, later life is not without challenges as we are more likely to confront health challenges, role transitions, and losses of those we love. Clinical Gerontologist is one of many innovative Taylor and Francis journals devoted to the study of late life. We focus on mental health and aging, emphasizing meticulous scientific reviews, rigorous research, and practical tools to help clinicians working with older adults…”

– Jennifer A. Moye, Ph.D., ABPP

Associate Director for Education and Evaluation,

VA New England Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center (GRECC) 

Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

“Globally, by 2050, one in six people in the world will be over the age of 65. With life expectancy being higher for women than men, and with women often being the main information seeker and caretaker in families, having opportunities to learn from them, their families and social networks, and organizations with which they interact, is critical for understanding their needs and experiences and improving their health and quality of life. The Journal of Women & Aging provides us all with a comprehensive guide to women’s experiences as they age and includes research on gender and the life course.”

Daniela B. Friedman, PhD

Professor & Chair, Department of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior, Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina

See the complete collection of Gerontology journals here:

Your Research, Making an Impact

Check out the latest research from our top journals in the Gerontology portfolio:

Two-thirds of people living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) live in low- and middle-income countries, and this figure is expected to rise as these populations are rapidly aging. Since evidence demonstrates links between socioeconomic status and slower rates of cognitive decline, protecting older adults’ cognitive function in resource-limited countries that lack the infrastructure to cope with ADRD is crucial to reduce the burden it places on these populations and their health systems.

In 2021, 11.3 million unpaid caregivers of persons with Alzheimer’s disease/Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD) provided 16 billion hours of unpaid caregiving worth $271.6 billion. This study aimed to fully capture the contextual complexities of the caregiving role acquisition articulated by female family caregivers of those with AD/ADRD, emphasizing assigned meaning to one’s lived experience with a critical focus on how family power structures influence caregiving practices.

Disparities in relational stressors highlight the need to understand how older African Americans establish enduring romantic relationships. The current study examined the association between religious-based romantic relationships and communal coping among married and cohabiting older African American couples. Participants were 194 African American couples wherein both partners were at least 50 years of age or older.

The Preventing Elder Abuse Tasmania (PEAT) research group was asked by the State Coroner to review and report on findings from the inquest into the death of a 77-year-old woman (MM) which forms the basis of this analysis. MM died of hypothermia while sleeping in a converted shipping container at her daughter and son-in-law’s southern Tasmanian property.

With a lack of existing comprehensive reviews, the aim of this mixed-method systematic review was to synthesise the evidence on the early impacts of the pandemic on unpaid dementia carers across the globe.

Novel skill learning has been shown to have cognitive benefits in the short-term (up to a few months). Two studies expanded on prior research by investigating whether learning multiple novel real-world skills simultaneously (e.g. Spanish, drawing, music composition), for a minimum of six hours a week, would yield 1-year cognitive gains.

The care of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) relies on family caregivers (FCs) who face increasing demands. This study aimed to identify trajectories of depressive symptoms in FCs.

This interpretive review examined the empirical evidence of the factors that facilitate or hinder the implementation of age-friendly community and city (AFCC) initiatives. Thirteen studies were included in the review.

To effectively reduce loneliness in older adults, interventions should be based on firm evidence regarding risk factors for loneliness in that population. This systematic review aimed to identify, appraise and synthesise longitudinal studies of risk factors for loneliness in older adults.

This study examined the moderating mechanisms of generative concerns (perception of making contributions to others) between generative civic activities and mental health among middle-aged and older adults. A total of 1,109 community-dwelling adults aged over 45 were recruited through an online survey. Generative civic activities (political participation and volunteering), generative concerns (the Loyola Generativity Scale), and two outcomes of mental health (depressive symptoms and mental wellbeing) were measured.

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