Submit a Manuscript to the Journal

Sport in Society

For a Special Issue on

Active teaching and learning methodologies and health in the initial training of physical education teachers

Abstract deadline
31 May 2024

Manuscript deadline
30 November 2024

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Special Issue Editor(s)

Pedro Antonio Sánchez Miguel, Teacher Training College, University of Extremadura, Spain
[email protected]

David Hortigüela-Alcalá, Faculty of Education, University of Burgos, Spain
[email protected]

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Active teaching and learning methodologies and health in the initial training of physical education teachers

Initial teacher training is essential when generating and improving the identity of the teacher (and/or future teacher) with the aim of increasing motor skills, physical activity and learning in students, among other aspects (González-Calvo, Gerdin, Philpot & Hortigüela-Alcalá, 2021). In this sense, initial training in active methodologies (i.e. pedagogical models, among others) of teachers can help promote healthy habits among students. 

Thus, these three concepts (initial teacher training, health and active methodologies) are considered a challenge to be achieved in the near future). In this way, active methodologies refer to the global capacity and mutual relationship of learning, content, teaching and context (Rovegno, 2008), and in the initial training of teachers, this improvement is fundamental in the generation of teacher identity, with the development of health in all its aspects being a competency objective.  

Health needs to be approached from an eclectic point of view that considers socio-cultural aspects, the psycho-evolutionary development of students and that accommodates all factors and perspectives, and is approached from a purely inclusive perspective. This special issue therefore aims to reflect on the initial training of teachers in the treatment of health in school-age young people, as this is a fundamental professional competence that they will have to apply in school. 

Furthermore, if we consider the article entitled "What do we know about pedagogical models in physical education so far? An umbrella review" (Fernández-Río & Iglesias, 2022), there are many unknowns regarding active methodologies that have been researched. Above all, these gaps in the literature refer to the impact on health promotion that the different models used may have, with the added value that this special number represents, focusing on the base, which is higher education, more specifically on initial teacher training.  

Description of how the contribution of the Special Themed Issue is in alignment with the mission and purpose of Sport in Society 

 Thus, the contribution that this special issue has on Sport in Society Journal is to try to verify the evidence of teaching active methodologies in initial PE training, in order to improve the training of future teachers and increase the health of students (from a holistic view). 

Therefore, the contribution to Sport in Society is to shed light on how methodologies based on health promotion are applied in initial teacher training, in an area as relevant as education. This is particularly relevant in the field of teaching physical activity and sport, providing a reflective, critical vision that is far removed from commercial, media, social and cultural pressures. 


Thus, the priority lines of this Special Issue would refer to studies that reflect the following: 

1. Critical pedagogy applied to health education in initial teacher education. 

2. Practical and reflective character on the application of the active methodologies and its relationship with physical, social and mental health in preservice-teachers. 

3. Empirical studies on the application of different methodologies and their effects on physical activity health-related consequences. 

4. Systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses that analyse the relationship between active methodologies and healthy consequences. 

5. How future teachers perceive learning from the methodologies and/or how they apply them throughout their career, practicum or first years of work at school. 

6. Treatment of initial teacher training with respect to healthy consequences.


Submission and publication timeline 

The expected publication date is the first quarter of 2025. Therefore, the following timelines are outlined below: 

  • 15 February 2024 – 30 April 2024: Call for papers 
  • May 2024: Abstract submission (300 words). It will be sent by email to the editors Pedro Antonio Sánchez Miguel ([email protected]) and David Hortigüela Alcalá ([email protected])
  • June 2024: Abstract decision 
  • July 2024 – October 2024: rolling submission of full manuscript based on invitation from abstract  
  • December 2024: deadline for final revised manuscripts  
  • January - March 2025: finalize manuscripts for publication  

Submission Instructions

Abstracts (maximum 300 words) should be sent to [email protected] and [email protected].

Manuscript deadline will be in the first half of 2025.

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