Submit a Manuscript to the Journal

The European Journal of Finance

For a Special Issue on

Portfolio Selection – a special issue to commemorate the work of Harry Markowitz.

Manuscript deadline
24 September 2024

Cover image - The European Journal of Finance

Special Issue Editor(s)

Chris Adcock, Sheffield University Management School
[email protected]

Alexandre Baptista, George Washington University
[email protected]

John Cotter, University College Dublin
[email protected]

Lawrence Kryzanowski, Comcordia University
[email protected]

Submit an ArticleVisit JournalArticles

Portfolio Selection – a special issue to commemorate the work of Harry Markowitz.

The journal invites the submission of papers in any aspect of portfolio selection. Submissions may be theoretical, empirical or a mixture of both.

Submission Instructions

Authors should submit their work to via the journal’s website and are reminded that submitted papers must comply with the format specified in the notes for authors. There is a submission fee of £125.00.  Submitted articles should be consistent with the aims and scope of the journal.

Instructions for AuthorsSubmit an Article