Submit a Manuscript to the Journal

Natural Product Research

For a Special Issue on

Natural Products in Traditional Culture and Botanicals Scenario

Manuscript deadline
31 January 2025

Cover image - Natural Product Research

Special Issue Editor(s)

Dr. Alessandra Durazzo , CREA-Research Centre for Food and Nutrition, Via Ardeatina 546, 00178 Rome, Italy
[email protected]

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Natural Products in Traditional Culture and Botanicals Scenario

Natural products and botanicals have recently received increased interest worldwide for their potential beneficial health properties, which have often been well known for centuries, as valuable tools in the management of different diseases, due to their easy use, and improved cost-effectiveness when compared to chemical entities obtained from synthesis.

Studies focusing on the relationship between traditional medicinal plants and herbs and health are welcome. The development and assessment of methodologies to isolate and standardize fractions with specified bioactivities from medicinal plants should be taken into account. Emerging technologies combined with chemometrics applied to medicinal plants in an innovative and integrated research approach, are welcome. Particular attention should be given to multi-pattern approaches.

Moreover, the use of herbs and medicinal plants in new formulations of dietary supplements should be explored. Nowadays botanicals represent one of largest emerging class of dietary supplements. Botanicals are made of single herbs or by mixing different herbs, from raw material of whole plants or parts of them, and include flowering herbs, leaves, leaf exudate, fruits, berries, roots, rhizomes. The processes for manufacturing, quality assessment and controls of the main categories of botanicals should be considered. Studies covering new features of botanicals are welcome.