Submit a Manuscript to the Journal

Development in Practice

For a Special Issue on

LGBTQ+, diverse sexual orientation and gender identities, and faith in development

Manuscript deadline
31 July 2024

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Special Issue Editor(s)

Jennifer Philippa Eggert, Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities
[email protected]

Andrew Delatolla, University of Leeds
[email protected]

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LGBTQ+, diverse sexual orientation and gender identities, and faith in development

There is a strong tradition of research on gender, faith and development. Work in this area has covered many topics; however, some issues remain relatively under-researched. This includes the nexus of diverse sexual orientation and gender identities including lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer (LGBTQ+) actors and faith in development. While there has been growing attention by development actors to assist diverse sexual orientation and gender identities communities, there has also been criticism from within many of these communities concerning practices of ‘pinkwashing’ and white saviourism. Despite faith-based development actors being key development actors in most contexts worldwide, there are continued projections that faith-based actors are exclusionary, and at times their identities can be framed within essentialist and othering discourses, often based on assumptions of 'secular neutrality'.

While diverse people with sexual orientation and gender identities and faith actors often work together harmoniously with each other as well as various local, national and international organisations to achieve development goals, there are also challenges and tensions. Both people with diverse sexual orientation and gender identities and faith actors face barriers in international development, often having to signpost their commitment to external norms of donors or partners to receive support. More recently, there has been increased pressure for faith actors to prove inclusivity of diverse sexual orientation and gender identities to meet the priorities of donors, partners and other key actors. This excludes some faith actors from accessing funding or other opportunities and can put others at risk if they are seen as supporting external agendas that are perceived to be at odds with local cultural and faith-based norms. Diverse sexual orientation and gender identities communities, on the other hand, are at risk of being excluded from assistance provided by faith-based development actors hostile to diverse sexual orientation and gender identities and, in many contexts, have been the target of violent attacks.

This special issue seeks to address the multiple and overlapping issues that emerge between people with diverse sexual orientation and gender identities and faith actors in the context of international development. We invite papers that critically engage with the current academic debates and practice/policy approaches, addressing the experiences of people with diverse sexual orientation and gender identities and faith actors in international development to find constructive paths forward. We approach ‘international development’ in the broadest sense of the term and view it as processes aimed at bringing about positive social change, be it in the Global South or North. This includes work that may not be perceived as ‘development’ by those working on it. We are particularly interested in papers from people who are part of diverse sexual orientation and gender identities communities and/or faith communities as well as people from the Global South, racial, ethnic and religious minorities, and other marginalised groups. The special issue will include both full academic articles and shorter practice notes reflecting on learnings from practical work.

Submission Instructions

Submissions should be made through the Development in Practice submission portal. Follow the instructions to submit your manuscript. Please ensure that you tick the box for inclusion in a special issue and select "LGBTQ+, diverse sexual orientation and gender identities, and faith in development" from the dropdown menu.

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