Submit a Manuscript to the Journal

Development in Practice

For a Special Issue on

Interrogating Localisation from Social Justice Perspectives

Manuscript deadline
30 October 2024

Cover image - Development in Practice

Special Issue Editor(s)

E. Girei, Liverpool John Moores University
[email protected]

I. Natil, Dublin City University
[email protected]

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Interrogating Localisation from Social Justice Perspectives

Localisation has become a priority agenda for many development actors, implying a re-thinking of development agendas and interventions led by local actors. The broad consensus on the localisation agenda seems, however, grounded in a plurality of different understandings of what localisation means. Some perspectives expose a commitment to transform the deep-rooted power asymmetries that continue to be reproduced by development practice, policy and theory, advocating for its radical transformation. Other perspectives uphold a more instrumental view of localisation, focusing on its cost-effectiveness and value for money. Other divergences and ambiguities emerge about the role of the various actors involved, including the definition of what is local and what is not and their role in localisation processes. Furthermore, some views see localisation as an outcome, while others see a methodological approach, and still, for others, it is both.

Another stream of critiques suggests that dominant perspectives on localisation reflect the worldviews and agendas of actors in the North, reproducing the marginalisation of the voices they aim to amplify. Even within the NGO sector, despite its commitment to localisation, systemic power imbalances between Southern and Northern NGOs persist.  Thus, acknowledging that the notion of localisation is theoretically and operationally still underdeveloped and employed in competing agendas, this special issue aims to explore avenues and possibilities for deepening the engagement between localisation and just development at theoretical, practical and policy levels.

Contributions may address, but are not limited to, the following questions:

  • What theories, practices and policies can support a deeper engagement between localisation and social justice?
  • What are the novel and distinctive dimensions of the localisation agenda with regard to their theoretical grounds and implications for policy and practice?
  • What does empirical evidence suggest regarding the implementation of the localisation agenda?
  • How will/should localisation reshape relations between international and national NGOs and grassroots organising?
  • What are/might be the unintended consequences of localisation for the NGO sector?
  • How do localisation and decolonisation overlap and diverge?

We are particularly interested in contributions exploring localisation from Global South perspectives and lived experiences.

Submission Instructions

The editors will consider original research articles (6,000-7,000 words) , viewpoints and practice notes (3,000 words) for inclusion in the special issue.

Submissions should be made directly to the journal via the submission portal. When uploading your manuscript, please ensure that you tick the box to notify the editors that the manuscript is for inclusion in a special issue, and select "Interrogating Localisation from Social Justice Perspectives" from the special issue dropdown menu.

Instructions for Authors