Submit a Manuscript to the Journal

Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine

For a Special Issue on

The Role of Psychology and Allied Disciplines in Energy Transition

Abstract deadline
09 August 2023

Manuscript deadline
31 December 2024

Cover image - Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine

Special Issue Editor(s)

Efrat Neter, Ruppin Academic Center, Israel
[email protected]

Lucia Rehackova, Northumbria University, UK
[email protected]

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The Role of Psychology and Allied Disciplines in Energy Transition

We are pleased to announce a call for papers for a special issue on The Role of Psychology and Allied Disciplines in Energy Transition. This special issue aims to explore the intersection of psychology and related fields and sustainability, focusing on the ways in which psychology (and related disciplines) can contribute to energy-related mitigation and adaptation efforts.

Health psychology is a discipline that focuses on the psychological, environmental, social, behavioral, and other factors that influence health and illness throughout the life cycle. Sustainability is concerned with the long-term health and well-being of the planet and its inhabitants, including people. These two fields are intimately connected: the health of individuals and the health of the planet are deeply intertwined, and understanding this relationship is critical to promoting global well-being.

We invite papers that explore the ways in which psychology and related disciplines contribute to sustainability efforts, as well as papers that examine how sustainability initiatives can enhance human health and well-being, with a special emphasis on energy transition. We welcome empirical papers that employ a variety of methodological approaches, theoretical analyses, intervention development papers and review articles.

Topics of interest for this special issue include, but are not limited to:

  • the transition to alternative fuels,
  • active travel,
  • acceptability of technological innovations related to the energy sector,
  • households’ use of alternative energy sources,
  • The use of behavioral interventions to promote the above behaviors
  • The role of psychology and related fields in promoting sustainable behaviors like the above
  • The impact of sustainable practices/behaviors on psychological well-being and health outcomes
  • The psychological dimensions of environmental activism and advocacy (e.g., construct validity)
  • “Blue sky” ideas (hypothetical innovative solutions to the environmental crisis that include an element of human behavior and the use of energy).

We welcome submissions from researchers in health psychology, environmental psychology, public health, social psychology, anthropology, sociology, social work, and related fields. We encourage both empirical and theoretical contributions that shed new light on the connections between health psychology and sustainability.

Submission Instructions

When submitting your paper to  ScholarOne, pls use the "The Role of Psychology and Allied Disciplines in Energy Transition" SI title.

The types of manuscripts may be original research articles (3,500 to 5,000 words); brief reports (up to 2000 words); commentaries/opinion piece (up to 1000 words); protocols; intervention developments; reviews, meta-analyses and meta-regression analyses; psychometric studies; methodological issues.

The expected publication date would be late 2024. Submissions can be earlier than April 2024.

Instructions for AuthorsSubmit an Article