Submit a Manuscript to the Journal

Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers

For a Special Issue on

Futuristic Automotive IoT- Based Industrial Applications for Industry 4.0

Manuscript deadline
15 September 2024

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Special Issue Editor(s)

Prof. Cheng-Chien Kuo, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
[email protected]

Dr. Muhammad Farhan, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan.
[email protected]

Dr. Khalid Mahmood, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Yunlin, Taiwan.
[email protected]

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Futuristic Automotive IoT- Based Industrial Applications for Industry 4.0

Technological advances have driven dramatic increases in industrial productivity since the dawn of the industrial revolution. But right now, an additional phase of technical development is underway with the emergence of new computerized technologies for manufacturing known as Industry 4.0, a process fueled by seven key advancements in technology. Using common internet protocols, these interconnected systems can communicate with other systems and analyze data to foretell failure, set up oneself, and adjust to changes. By allowing data collection and analysis across machines, Industry 4.0 will enable quicker, more adaptable, and more efficient manufacturing procedures that will produce products of greater quality at lower costs. Additionally, this will alter the workforce's demographics, promote industry growth, and boost manufacturing productivity, ultimately altering the competitive environment.

Automated manufacturing is changing drastically due to the beginning of the Internet of Things (IoT) and cyber-physical system (CPS) ideas in industrial settings. Current technological developments that enable interconnectivity on a larger and more extremely fine scale have contributed to make this practicable. The purpose of this piece is to examine innovations in technology and their potential effects on business communication. From an industry 4.0 viewpoint, they will explore the impacts of IoT and CPSs on automated manufacturing, provide an overview of the present status of work on ethernet connections and time-sensitive networking (TSN), and speak about the function of fifth-generation (5G) wireless telecommunications networks in automation. Additionally, it will highlight the need for harmonization outside of networking. Everything develops a connection as the natural environment is turned into a digital one.

Thanks to the proliferation of intelligent gadgets and technologies, people may now stay in constant interaction everywhere and at any time. The industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), or Industry 4.0, is a sub-segment of the IoT market established by the IoT movement. Production organizations have numerous growth potential thanks to reliable data collection and transmission among equipment. How individuals live, work, and play is projected to change due to the IIoT. Security and privacy are the biggest problems the industrial revolution IoT is now facing. They will only be able to fully utilize the Industrial IoT if they address many of its security and privacy concerns. Additional information will be gathered from more sources in real-time, thanks to IoT and the trend towards more connectivity, enabling real-time choices and boosting profits, earnings, and productivity.

Based on the preceding, we invite scholars to submit original research articles and review papers for the current Special Issue focusing on Futuristic Automotive IoT- Based Industrial Applications for Industry 4.0.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  1. The prospects of efficiency and expansion in the production sector are Industry 4.0.
  2. Automated networking in the age of the Web of Things and the manufacturing sector.
  3. Future manufacturing potential and problems under Industry 4.0.
  4. Professional 3D issuing possibilities continue to be expanded via manufacturing by additive methods.
  5. Innovative service design and sophisticated data analysis for business 4.0.
  6. Logistics's position today and in the coming years is addressed concerning Industry 4.0.
  7. Industry-specific examples that demonstrate innovative manufacturing 4.0.
  8. A contemporary strategy for the Industry 4.0 approach, from governance to implementing technology.
  9. Features, catalysts, services, and goods of a continuous 5G architecture for Industry 4.0.
  10. A qualitative manufacturing structure that allows industry 4.0 as well as after that.
  11. Analyzing the features and effects of image processing for an advanced industry 4.0 society.

Submission Instructions

  • The manuscript submitted should be single-column, double-spaced, 30 pages including figures and illustrations for a full paper. The font size should be 11 points.
  • Please select the special issue title "Futuristic Automotive IoT- Based Industrial Applications for Industry 4.0" when submitting your paper to Submission Portal.
  • Please sign a “Page Charge Form” and “Copyright Agreement”, and upload these forms by submission Portal. You have to sign on the “Page Charge Form” and “Copyright Agreement” by yourself. Please don't just key in your name.

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