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Journal of the International Council for Small Business

For a Special Issue on

Empowering Entrepreneurship for a Better Future

Abstract deadline
01 September 2024

Manuscript deadline
04 November 2024

Cover image - Journal of the International Council for Small Business

Special Issue Editor(s)

Ayman ElTarabishy, President & CEO, ICSB
[email protected]

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Empowering Entrepreneurship for a Better Future

Title: "Empowering Entrepreneurship for a Better Future: The 68th ICSB World Congress in Berlin"


In 2024, the global community of entrepreneurs, scholars, policymakers, and business enthusiasts will gather in Berlin for the 68th ICSB (International Council for Small Business) World Congress. The chosen theme for this special issue is "Empowering Entrepreneurship for a Better Future." This theme encapsulates the essence of the Congress and highlights its profound significance in today's world. The 68th ICSB World Congress aims to embark on a transformative journey, guiding us toward impactful change and nurturing entrepreneurial leaders amid pressing global challenges, especially climate change and poverty.

The Power of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship has always been a driving force behind economic growth, innovation, and societal progress. It is a force that transforms ideas into reality, creating businesses, jobs, and value for communities. However, as the world faces unprecedented challenges such as climate change and poverty, the role of entrepreneurship is evolving. It is no longer sufficient for entrepreneurship to focus solely on financial success; it must also embrace ethical responsibility. This shift in perspective forms the foundation of the 68th ICSB World Congress.

Empowering Entrepreneurship

The congress theme, "Empowering Entrepreneurship for a Better Future," underscores the idea that entrepreneurship is a powerful tool for addressing global challenges. It serves as a reminder that entrepreneurship can be a force for good, promoting sustainable development and social impact. The following sections delve into critical aspects of this theme.

Climate Change and Entrepreneurship
One of the most pressing global challenges of our time is climate change. The 68th ICSB World Congress recognizes that entrepreneurs have a crucial role in mitigating climate change. They can drive innovation in clean energy, sustainable agriculture, and eco-friendly technologies. By fostering a culture of environmentally responsible entrepreneurship, the congress aims to harness the creative potential of business leaders to combat climate change.

Poverty Alleviation and Inclusive Entrepreneurship
Poverty remains a persistent issue worldwide, and entrepreneurship can be a powerful tool for poverty alleviation. In Berlin, the congress will explore ways to promote inclusive entrepreneurship that reaches marginalized communities and provides them with economic opportunities. Sessions and discussions will focus on strategies for reducing inequality and promoting social inclusion through entrepreneurial initiatives.

Ethical Entrepreneurship
The congress emphasizes the need for ethical entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs must prioritize ethical practices in an era where businesses are increasingly scrutinized for their social and environmental impact. This includes fair labor conditions, responsible sourcing, and a commitment to social responsibility. Through panels and workshops, participants will learn how to navigate the intersection of ethics and entrepreneurship effectively.

Nurturing Entrepreneurial Leaders
To empower entrepreneurship for a better future, nurturing and supporting entrepreneurial leaders is essential. The congress will provide a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs to connect with experienced mentors, gain insights from successful entrepreneurs, and access resources that will enable them to turn their ideas into reality. Participants will develop the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the entrepreneurial landscape through interactive workshops and networking opportunities.

Global Collaboration

The 68th ICSB World Congress is not just a gathering but a global collaboration addressing critical challenges. Entrepreneurs, researchers, policymakers, and industry experts worldwide will come together to share their experiences and expertise. This cross-cultural exchange of ideas and solutions will enrich the congress's discussions and drive collective action toward a better future.

This special issue is crucial in capturing and disseminating valuable knowledge within its domain. It serves as a platform that consolidates a wealth of information and highlights the prominent position of the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) as a leader in the field. Through its curated content and contributions, this issue effectively showcases ICSB's commitment to advancing research and understanding in the respective subject matter, emphasizing its influence and authority within the academic and professional community.

Submission Instructions

Guidelines regarding paper specifications: All submissions should adhere to specific word limits, follow designated timelines, and adhere to formatting preferences, among other requirements. Each paper should not exceed Ten (10) pages with double spacing and a font size 12.

Accepted paper types: This special issue welcomes various types of papers, including Research Papers, Methods Papers (focused on new experimental methods or procedures), Review Papers (providing a comprehensive overview of research in a specific field), Theory Papers (discussing ideas and principles related to a specific field), and Case Studies (reporting on specific subjects of study).

Special submission instructions: When submitting your paper via ScholarOne, please select "special issue title" as the category. Additionally, please submit your paper to the Special Issue section of the website. Only papers accepted at the Geneve Entrepreneurship Forum and the ICSB World Congress will be considered for publication in this Special Issue. To be eligible for publication, you must register for and attend either of these events.

Expected publication timeline: We typically aim to publish accepted papers in January 2025 or possibly earlier, depending on the editorial process.

Submission of abstracts: You must submit an extended abstract in advance to either the Geneve Entrepreneurship Forum ( or the ICSB World Congress ( before you can submit a full manuscript; you must follow a specific process of how to submit the extended abstracts.

Step One: Submit an extended manuscript to either the Geneve Entrepreneurship Forum or the ICSB World Congress.
Step Two: Upon acceptance of your extended abstract, you must officially register for and attend one of these events.
Step Three: Only after completing these steps will you be able to submit your paper to this special issue.

Instructions for AuthorsSubmit an Article