Submit a Manuscript to the Journal

Consumption Markets & Culture

For a Special Issue on

The consumption of political, religious, ecological and cultural ideas in the 2020s

Abstract deadline
23 February 2024

Manuscript deadline
15 July 2024

Cover image - Consumption Markets & Culture

Special Issue Editor(s)

Alison Hulme, University of Northampton
[email protected]

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The consumption of political, religious, ecological and cultural ideas in the 2020s

This special issue will be entitled 'The consumption of political, religious, ecological and cultural ideas in the 2020s'. It is an engagement with the Global Studies Association UK (GSA) and follows ongoing discussions and conferences within that group. The issue will focus on consumption of or engagement in political, religious, ecological, or cultural ideas and movements. Papers should explore a specific case study and provide analysis as to how and why the specific ideas at play are being consumed and what impact this is having. Who is engaging with these ideas and why? What actions do they
take as a result of buying into such ideas? What wider economic, social, environmental or cultural implications of impact does this have? Papers might focus on the consumption of:
 Political positions/campaigns/leaders
 Religious movements/ideas
 Ecological ideas/movements/schemes
 Cultural ideas or lifestyles

Submission Instructions

Submission Guidelines:
Submissions can take the form of commentaries up to 6.000 words or standard (about 8000 words); or alternative ideas about 'conversations' or other formats may be proposed to the special issue editor. Abstracts of 300 to 600 words can be emailed to the special issue editor for consideration - [email protected]. For guidelines regarding citation style, etc. please refer to this webpage:
Abstract submission deadline - February 23rd, 2024.

Instructions for AuthorsSubmit an Article