Submit a Manuscript to the Journal

Journal of Map & Geography Libraries

For a Special Issue on

Cataloguing and Describing Maps: Advancing Discovery and Access for Cartographic Resources

Abstract deadline
26 July 2024

Manuscript deadline
31 October 2024

Cover image - Journal of Map & Geography Libraries

Special Issue Editor(s)

Joshua Sadvari, The Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio, USA
[email protected]

Theresa Quill, Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana, USA
[email protected]

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Cataloguing and Describing Maps: Advancing Discovery and Access for Cartographic Resources

The Journal of Map & Geography Libraries invites articles highlighting professional practice, case studies, and research-based approaches on the role of map and geospatial library professionals in cataloguing and describing maps and other cartographic resources, such as geospatial datasets, aerial imagery collections, and web applications.

Paige Andrew, pioneering map cataloguer and founding co-editor of this journal, retired from Pennsylvania State University in September 2023 as a Distinguished
Librarian, only the third librarian so designated in the institution’s history.

During his career, Paige published extensively, including the essential books Cataloguing Sheet Maps: The Basics and RDA and Cartographic Resources, and received multiple awards in recognition of his scholarship, service, and mentorship. This special issue also honours his career and lasting impact on map cataloguing, the profession, and the Journal of Map & Geography Libraries.

We encourage a broad range of contributions including original research articles, literature review articles, reports on professional practice or case studies, and comments. We welcome submissions from library professionals with perspectives from beyond map and geospatial information librarianship, such as special collections and archives, cataloguing/technical services, government documents, digital scholarship, and research data management.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

* Core competencies for map cataloguers and/or map and geospatial library professionals
* Historical reflections on cartographic cataloguing trends and changes
* Current best practices and future directions of cartographic cataloguing
* Emerging topics and trends in cataloguing and description from areas outside of map and geospatial librarianship
* Descriptive metadata for cartographic resources
* Personal reflections on Paige Andrew’s impact and scholarship
* Service to the profession and professional mentorship in map and geospatial librarianship
* Scholarly communications practices for map and geospatial library professionals

Submission Instructions

Abstracts are due on July 26th, 2024 and authors will be notified by August 2nd of an invitation to submit a full manuscript or comment. Send article abstracts to [email protected] and [email protected] with the subject: Cataloguing Special Issue.

Completed manuscripts will be due by October 31st, and authors should indicate the paper is associated with the “Cataloging” special issue when submitting. Manuscripts submitted as Reports, Research Articles, or Review Articles should be 3,000-7,000 words and will go through a double-anonymous peer review process.

Manuscripts submitted as Comments should be no more than 3,000 words and are reviewed by the Journal of Map & Geography Libraries editorial team.

Instructions for AuthorsSubmit an Article