Submit a Manuscript to the Journal

Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community

For a Special Issue on

Veterans' Health

Manuscript deadline
15 September 2024

Cover image - Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community

Special Issue Editor(s)

Heather Tillewein, PhD, MCHES, Austin Peay State University
[email protected]

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Veterans' Health

The Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community is welcoming manuscripts on Veterans’ Health for a special issue.

Veterans suffer from various health disparities that create worse health outcomes compared to nonveterans. It is estimated that 48% of veterans experience mental illness (McKinnon & Garvin, 2019; Betancourt et al., 2023) with particularly high rates of PTSD, Depression and Suicide (McKinnon & Garvin, 2019; Finnegan & Randles, 2023). For the veteran population, 11.6% are living below the poverty line, 6.2% are unemployed, and 6.8% of veterans experience homelessness (National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics, 2015). The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 2022). Also, veterans who experience homelessness are more likely to have a disability (National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) (2019). Limited access to Veterans’ Health Administration due to veterans having a lack of transportation, lower income, and living in a rural area has led to negative health outcomes (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 2020; Hahn et al., 2023). Homelessness and poor housing conditions have been
associated with substance use problems, negative mental health outcomes, premature mortality, above average costs per hospital stay, incarceration, and frequent hospitalizations (Tsai & Rosenheck, 2015). Research is needed to determine how to mediate these barriers and to identify promising practices for the establishment of an evidence base for improving health outcomes for veterans.

This special themed issue aims to showcase topics on veteran health such as effective intervention programs and policies to address physical injuries and rehabilitation, mental health disorders, access to healthcare services, homelessness, substance use, integrative health approaches, and public policy. Manuscripts may also highlight environmental characteristics that impact veterans’ health and well-being. In addition to empirical research JPIC welcomes meta-analysis and systematic reviews for this special issue.

Submission Instructions

Manuscripts should be formatted according to the journal's guidelines, which can be found on the journal's website. For this call, JPIC requires a maximum number of 24 pages, including abstract, main work, and references. References should be limited to 40.

Authors who wish to submit their papers should use the submission portal on the journal’s website. For questions related to the submission, please contact Guest Editor Heather Tillewein, PhD, MCHES, [email protected]. Inquiries about the journal can be directed to Editor-in-Chief Dr. Judah Viola at [email protected].

Deadline dates
Full paper Submissions Due: September 15, 2024
(Note: Articles will be reviewed on a rolling basis, earlier submissions are encouraged and will be published online when finalized prior to the Issue print publication).
Peer Review & Decision Date: November 15, 2024
Final Version: December 30, 2024
Estimated Publication of the Issue: March, 2025

Instructions for AuthorsSubmit an Article