Submit a Manuscript to the Journal

Venture Capital

For a Special Issue on

Artificial Intelligence in Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Finance

Manuscript deadline
31 October 2024

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Special Issue Editor(s)

Vincenzo Capizzi, Università del Piemonte Orientale
[email protected]

Lars Hornuf, Dresden University of Technology
[email protected]

Sasan Mansouri, University of Groningen
[email protected]

Paul Momtaz, Technical University of Munich
[email protected]

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Artificial Intelligence in Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Finance


The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into entrepreneurship and finance marks a transformative epoch in the business landscape. This special issue aims to delve into the profound impacts and evolving role of AI in these dynamic fields. AI's capabilities, ranging from predictive analytics to sophisticated decision-making algorithms, have redefined traditional business models and financial strategies, presenting both unparalleled opportunities and new challenges.

In entrepreneurship, AI has become a pivotal tool for identifying market gaps, optimizing operations, and enhancing customer experiences. Startups and established businesses alike are leveraging AI to gain competitive advantages and drive innovation. Meanwhile, in finance, AI is revolutionizing areas like risk assessment, fraud detection, portfolio management, and algorithmic trading, reshaping the industry's operational dynamics.

However, alongside these advancements, AI raises critical questions concerning ethics, data security, job security, and the wider societal impacts of automated decision-making. This special issue will explore how entrepreneurs and financial institutions are navigating these challenges, adapting to AI's potential, and shaping the future of business and finance.


Aims and Scope

The special issue “Artificial Intelligence in Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Finance” aims to examine the growing role of AI in reshaping entrepreneurial activities and the financial sector. The articles published in this special issue seek to provide a comprehensive understanding of how AI technologies impact these areas, both in terms of opportunities and challenges. We invite empirical and theoretical contributions that address, among others, the following topics:

  • AI in Entrepreneurial Decision-Making: How AI tools help identify market opportunities, predict consumer trends, and support strategic decision-making in business ventures.
  • AI-Driven Financial Technologies: Exploration of AI's role in financial market analysis, risk management, algorithmic trading, and personalized financial services.
  • Ethical and Societal Implications: Investigating the ethical considerations, privacy concerns, and societal impact of applying AI in entrepreneurship and finance.
  • Innovative AI Applications: Case studies highlighting innovative uses of AI in startups and financial institutions, including successes, failures, and lessons learned.
  • AI and Regulatory Challenges: Examination of the regulatory landscape for AI in finance and entrepreneurship, including compliance, governance, and policy implications.
  • Future Prospects and Challenges: Forward-looking perspectives on potential future developments in AI within entrepreneurship and finance, and the emerging challenges and opportunities they present.

Submissions should provide novel insights and contribute to the academic discourse on AI in entrepreneurship and finance, offering both theoretical depth and practical relevance.

Submission Instructions

Submission Instructions

This Special Issue is seeking full research papers. Theory development is useful but not required.

Policy papers and practitioner papers written in academic style and referenced will be considered.

Maximum word length 8,000, excluding tables, charts and references.

The submission deadline is October 31, 2024. Early submissions will be considered on an ongoing basis.

The final publication of the special edition is planned for summer 2025.

Please indicate the special edition Artificial Intelligence in Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Finance when submitting.

Inquiries can be emailed to the guest editor: Lars Hornuf [email protected]

Instructions for AuthorsSubmit an Article