Submit a Manuscript to the Journal

Journal of Applied Communication Research

For a Special Issue on

Applied Communication Research Tackling Major Social Challenges: Translational Reviews and Field Reports

Abstract deadline
31 July 2024

Manuscript deadline
31 October 2024

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Special Issue Editor(s)

Heather Zoller, University of Cincinnati
[email protected]

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Applied Communication Research Tackling Major Social Challenges: Translational Reviews and Field Reports

This special issue considers how insights from communication research can be applied to improve responses to major interconnected social crises. As Heather Zoller’s (2023) Editorial Vision described (see, these emergencies relate to environment and human health (such as climate change, species loss, chemical exposures, pandemics, health disparities), social and material inequality (based on income, nationality, indigeneity, race/ethnicity, gender, sexuality, ability status and other forms of difference), and technological change (linked to misinformation, political polarization, isolation, disruption, and economic precarity). The special issue investigates how extant applied communication research can aid in redressing the root causes of these problems and/or developing approaches that overcome these challenges to create equitable forms of personal, social, political, and ecological well-being.
This special issue will contain two submission types.

Translational Research Articles

Translational reviews will provide an evidence-based synthesis of extant research. Submissions should concisely summarize how existing research insights, interventions, models, and applications inform or could inform specific efforts to ameliorate or transform major social problems, and outline agendas for future research.

- Reviews that consider the interaction of multiple emergencies are particularly welcome, as are submissions that address root causes by situating crises within relations of power, including consideration of democratic forms of social change (e.g., cultural, structural, and policy change, grassroots action, social movements).

- Reviews should be methodologically and theoretically inclusive, although the author is free to adopt or construct a guiding perspective or framework. Submissions must consider issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion related to cited research, knowledge gaps, and practical applications. Although papers may focus on issues relevant for a particular country, reviews that address issues related to global relationships are welcome.

- Reviews should highlight research findings/insights/content versus describing topics and perspectives covered. When relevant, reviews should document how existing findings have already been put into practice.

Field Reports

Field Reports are shorter pieces that describe and evaluate communication applications and interventions. Field Reports in this special issue will focus on projects that intervene in social, environmental, health, and technological crises and/or develop alternate ways of communicating and organizing that challenge the status quo in these areas. Field Reports provide a brief theoretical or conceptual foundation, detail the intervention/case/project and outcomes, and describe insights for future applications.

Submission Instructions

- Topic Proposals: Submit a 150-300 word description of the proposed paper to Heather Zoller at [email protected].
- Submitted papers will undergo anonymous peer review.
- Select "Applied Communication Research Tackling Major Social Challenges: Translational Reviews and Field Reports" Special Issue when submitting a manuscript.

Research Articles: Manuscripts should not exceed 7500 words
Field Reports: Manuscripts should not exceed 5000 words

Instructions for AuthorsSubmit an Article