Submit a Manuscript to the Journal

Plant Production Science

For a Special Issue on

Achievements and future perspectives in plant production science – the 100th anniversary of Crop Science Society of Japan

Manuscript deadline
31 December 2024

Cover image - Plant Production Science

Special Issue Editor(s)

Taiichiro Ookawa, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
[email protected]

Naohiro Aoki, The University of Tokyo
[email protected]

Koki Homma, Tohoku University
[email protected]

Junichi Kashiwagi, Hokkaido University
[email protected]

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Achievements and future perspectives in plant production science – the 100th anniversary of Crop Science Society of Japan

Crop Science Society of Japan will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2027. The society has been researching the productivity of various field crops and resource plants such as rice, soybeans. The researchers have contributed to the improvement of productivity and sustainability of plant production, but many issues remain to be solved. In recent years, the impact of climate change and social changes has had a major impact on plant production, and new issues continue to arise. To address the issues, we need to develop strategies based on the past achievements. We are also recommended to consider how utilize new technology such as molecular biological methods, non-destructive measurement methods, and machine learning.

In this situation, the journal, Plant Production Science (PPS), calls for review papers summarizing the achievements and discussing the prospects for coming future in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Crop Science Society of Japan. The topics should be in the scope of PPS but those in associated fields are also accepted. We expect valuable suggestions for future research.

The submitted manuscripts will be accepted after reviews. Accepted manuscripts will be published online in the virtual special issue in Plant Production Science. The 100th anniversary special issue will also electronically published in 2027 together with reviews written in Japanese.

*Please note: Due to technical limitation, the submission deadline is appeared as "31 December 2024", but correctly it is 31 December 2025.


Submission Instructions

Authors can submit their manuscript through ScholarONE. In "Details & Comments" of the submission process, you can select this special issue option from the drop-down menu.

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