Sociology Research

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The Sociological Quarterly
Publishes cutting-edge scholarship in all areas of sociological inquiry; one of the leading generalist journals in the field.
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Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
JEMS publishes research on all forms of migration and its consequences, including ethnic conflict, discrimination, racism and policies of integration.
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Research in action

Political elite discourses polarize attitudes toward immigration along ideological lines. A comparative longitudinal analysis of Europe in the twenty-first century

Published recently in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, this article examines how immigration-related political elite discourses affect natives’ attitudes towards immigration and how these discourses contribute to polarisation along political and socio-economic dimensions. Read more
Sociological Spectrum
Publishes theoretical, methodological, quantitative and qualitative research in areas of sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and political science.
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Journal of Human Trafficking
Publishes papers on human trafficking and contemporary slavery including topics like child trafficking; forced marriage; labor and slavery; and debt bondage.
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Sunset over a field of Ukrainian sunflowers

Research with impact

War, Displacement, and Human Trafficking and Exploitation: Findings from an evidence-gathering Roundtable in Response to the War in Ukraine

Published in the Journal of Human Trafficking,this article discusses the findings of an international online roundtable with the UK’s Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, and over one hundred people from various professional backgrounds, with a particular focus on the UK’s response to people fleeing Ukraine. Read more
The Social Science Journal
The Social Science Journal publishes research on social sciences, including theoretical, speculative model, statistical and mathematical contributions.
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Deviant Behavior
Deviant Behaviour publishes refereed theoretical and methodological research on deviant behaviour, including crime, juvenile delinquency and alcohol abuse.
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Society & Natural Resources
Publishes research on the interaction of society and natural resources, including protected area management and governance, impact, and social implications.
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Ethnic and Racial Studies
Publishes analysis of the role of race, racism, ethnicity, migration and forms of ethno-nationalism.
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Classroom scene of empty desks with a chalkboards and map on the back wall

Trending research

A review of the model minority myth: understanding the social, educational and health impacts

As shown by the recent increase in anti-Asian racism and violence worldwide, the label of “model minority” is flawed and fails to capture the breadth and depth of the experiences of Asian people. Read more
Journal of Family Studies
Publishes works on families, households and relationships in society from interdisciplinary perspectives, such as sociology, demography, social work and more.
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Cogent Social Sciences
Publishes a broad range of topics in social sciences, including Area Studies, Criminology, Geography, Hospitality, Law, Tourism, Media Studies, Sociology and Sport & Leisure.
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Image of Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico City with a Mexican flag blowing in the wind
This article in Deviant Behavior uses the case of Mexico City to estimate the impact of the national health crisis, and the corresponding government measures implemented, as well as their subsequent relaxation, on the daily crime count for six types of crimes.

Hand paying with tap to pay on mobile
This article in The Social Science Journal examines the impact of mobile payment adoption on the level and inequality of food expenditure using the 2017 Chinese General Social Survey data.

Students, dressed in graduation robes, holding diplomas as they line up for their graduation ceremony.
This article in Sociological Quarterly applies insights from social reproduction theory to study educational mobility, examining which factors are associated with becoming a first-generation college graduate and not becoming a continuing-generation college graduate.

Woman filling out survey on clipboard
This article in Society & Natural Resources organizes and presents a suite of novel and established recommendations suitable for both scholarly and community-based researchers and practitioners to strengthen community support, improve fieldwork efficiency, increase response rates, and reduce costs in future DOPU studies.

GCSE Examination Certificate, reading 'GCSE Examination Certificate General Certificate of Secondary Education.'
This article in the Journal of Family Studies focuses on the parenting experiences of Bangladeshi and Pakistani families with GCSE years children (years 7-11) in supporting their children’s education during periods of abrupt school closures.

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