Physical & Mathematical Sciences

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We have carefully curated a range of Physical & Mathematical Sciences journals for your selection. At the core of this list are journals that serve the world-wide scientific community covering Physics, Multidisciplinary Physics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Probability!

As one of the world’s leading publishers of scholarly journals, Taylor & Francis strives to offer the very best publishing experience.

Maximize the impact of your research in Physical & Mathematical Sciences through increased visibility and discoverability when you publish with us!

Curation of Top Journals in South Asia & Africa

The Imaging Science Journal

Publishes international research on analogue chemical, electronic, digital and hybrid imaging systems including aerospace, forensic, medical and 3-D imaging.
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Fusion Science and Technology

Fusion Science and Technology is the leading journal of fusion technology and fusion plasma that publishes nuclear fusion, fusion physics and plasma physics.
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Nuclear Science and Engineering

Publishes research on nuclear science and engineering, including nuclear energy, fundamental physics related to nuclear systems and theoretical physics. 
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Nuclear Science and Engineering

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Nuclear Technology

Publishes international research in nuclear science and technology, including thermal hydraulics, radiation detection and health physics.
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Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids

Publishes works on radiation and plasma science, focusing on primary/secondary effects of radiation, induced properties and plasma techniques and phenomena.
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Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology

Publishes research on nuclear science and technology, including issues on nuclear power utilization, radiation and beam technologies and nuclear reactor physics.
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Neutron News

Presents meeting reports from leaders in neutron research and scientific research and case reports on neutron scattering, materials research and site studies.
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NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics

Publishes international research on astronomy and geophysics, including cosmology, planetary science, solar-terrestial physics and environmental problems.
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Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics

Publishes experimental, theoretical and numerical work on fluid mechanics and magnetohydrodynamic behavior of the earth, planets, sun and astrophysical objects.
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Waves in Random and Complex Media

Reports interdisciplinary research on wave phenomena (quantum or nonlinear effects, scattering, imaging and statistical properties) in random or complex media.
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High Pressure Research

Presents experimental and theoretical advances in high-pressure science and technology, like condensed matter and shockwaves, geophysics and chemical kinetics.
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AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics

The American Mathematical Monthly

The American Mathematical Monthly publishes research on mathematics, mathematical ideas, mathematical problems and solutions.
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Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education

Forum for gold, open-access research on Statistics and Data Science Education, includes curricular reform, team learning, pedagogy efficacy and data literacy.
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Quaestiones Mathematicae

Quaestiones Mathematicae is an international journal of mathematics and mathematical research.
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International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory

Publishes research on computer systems and the theory of computing such as bioinformatics, cryptography, automata theory, computational mathematics and beyond.
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Research in Mathematics

Publishes research and review articles in applied & interdisciplinary mathematics, pure mathematics, mathematics education, and other relevant fields.
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Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems

Mathematical and computational modelling of dynamical systems, including engineering, biology, medicine, economics, applied or theoretical (real world) systems.
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International Journal of Computer Mathematics

Research on applications, concerns and techniques in computer mathematics including numerical analysis, scientific computing, algorithms and machine learning.
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Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering

Research covering all areas of mathematical methods and their applications to fields such as biology, medicine, finance, economics, computer science, physics, and engineering.
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Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering

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Research in Statistics

Research in all areas of statistics and probability, including theory, methods, and applications, as well as data science and associated fields.

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Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods

Publishes papers that make theoretical and methodological advances in probability and statistics, including new applications of methods.
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Statistical Theory and Related Fields

Publishes articles in modern statistics, Big Data, application and methodology development in natural, economical, medical and social science.
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Journal of Applied Statistics

Papers on the application of statistical methodology and principles to real-world problems in disciplines like ecology, economics, medicine & social sciences.
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English Language Editing

Features and Benefits:

  • Ensure manuscripts meet international standards of scholarly English

  • Detailed language check (grammar, punctuation, spelling, and terminology)

  • Receive inputs and manuscript feedback report

Open notebook with pen resting on top

Scientific Editing

Features and Benefits:

  • Gain comprehensive feedback from experienced reviewers and senior editors with relevant industry experience

  • Receive a detailed technical review of your manuscript

  • Improve the overall structure and flow of your journal article

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Manuscript Formatting

Features and Benefits:

  • Meet layout guidelines and conventions

  • Ensure manuscript matches your journal’s style guide

  • Ensure accuracy of cited references while complying with journal guidelines