Journal of Translational Research

An Elevate journal

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About the journal

 As a fully Open Access journal, Journal of Translational Research will adopt a multidisciplinary approach to disseminate the latest research and support the fastest possible transfer of knowledge to the relevant communities.

There is an urgent mandate to reduce to the time taken to go from bench to bedside. The public, governments, and funding bodies all demand that the research enterprise incorporates the entire journey from basic science through to clinical practice. This journal will set the tone for progress in translational research. The journal will do this through dedicated sections that will consider new models and methods of doing research that speed up our ability to get safe and effective treatments to patients, as well as how we engage the communities that are under-represented in the research ecosystem.

The journal is committed to taking reported results and moving them toward or into clinical practice as quickly as possible. Therefore, submissions will be handled in a timely manner, with an initial decision on whether articles will be peer reviewed within 5 days, and a first decision on submissions within an average of 22 days.

Through our Elevate Journal Series, we’re committed to making sure you have the best author experience possible. By choosing to publish into one of our hand-picked, Elevate journals, you’ll receive a more tailored and bespoke service, offering timely and tactical feedback from a dedicated team, one to one communication from your named contact through peer review, an easier, swifter publishing process that shines a light on the best version of your work.

    Meet the Editor

    Dr. Elkin serves as a University at Buffalo Distinguished Professor and Chair of the University at Buffalo Department of Biomedical Informatics. He is a Master of the American College of Physicians, a Fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics and a Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine.

    Dr. Elkin is the index recipient of the Homer R. Warner award for outstanding contribution to the field of Medical Informatics. Dr. Elkin is an internationally renowned expert in knowledge representation, ontology, natural language processing and health IT standards.

    In 2018, he received the Team Science Award from the National Center for Advancement of Translational Sciences and was elected an inaugural fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association for Clinical Informatics Excellence and has been elected to the International Academy of Health Sciences Informatics. He serves as co-chair of the NCATS iEC and of the NCATS Informatics Quality Metrics Committee.

    Dr. Elkin
    Cartoon of a network of people sharing an article

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    Ready to submit?

    Find out how to submit your paper by reading the Instructions for Authors.