Geriatric Pharmacology

About Geriatric Pharmacology

Clinicians face significant challenges in managing older patients, particularly those suffering from multiple comorbid states. Clinical guidelines are primarily generated using evidence from randomized controlled trials that investigate the effects of specific drugs for the treatment of individual diseases. However, the clinical complexity of the older multimorbid patient population typically prevents them from meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria of randomized controlled trials. Consequently, there is a lack of robust evidence for treating this population safely and effectively. Additionally, traditional disease management typically follows a single disease approach to care that is not adapted to the needs of persons with multimorbidity where the potential for inappropriate polypharmacy, and unwanted effects is greatly increased.

These issues notwithstanding, the last decade has witnessed major advances in the discovery of novel biomarkers and druggable targets for age-related disease states, the identification of factors involved in the complex interplay between patient, drugs, and diseases, and the development of strategies for targeting inappropriate polypharmacy. These developments, in association with the recent rise in the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, offer unprecedented opportunities for research in geriatric pharmacology and in the management of older patients.

Therefore, this is the right time to develop a new journal that is entirely focussed on aspects of pharmacology that are directly relevant to the needs of the older patient population. By considering a wide range of submissions in basic science, clinical research and qualitative studies, ‘Geriatric Pharmacology’ is uniquely placed to capture this exciting momentum.

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                Meet the editor

                Arduino Mangoni is Strategic Professor of Clinical Pharmacology at Flinders University and Senior Consultant and Head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology at Flinders Medical Centre, Southern Adelaide Local Health Network, Adelaide, Australia. He completed advanced specialist training in Clinical Pharmacology, Cardiology and Internal Medicine in Italy, USA, and the UK. In 2003, he was awarded a PhD in pharmacology at King’s College London, and was subsequently appointed Senior Lecturer in Clinical Pharmacology at Flinders University. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2007 before taking up the Chair of Medicine of Old Age at the University of Aberdeen in 2010. In 2013, he returned to Flinders University in his current role.

                Professor Mangoni was awarded the Fellowship of the British Pharmacological Society in 2012 and an Honorary Professorship in Clinical Pharmacology by the Medizinische Fakultät Carl Gustav Carus, Technische Universität Dresden, in 2019.

                He has published 368 peer reviewed articles and 23 book chapters in the areas of geriatric pharmacology, cardiovascular pathophysiology and pharmacology, pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety, and biomarkers and drug discovery. He is co-editor and author of the books ‘Prescribing for Elderly Patients’ (2009) and ‘Optimizing Pharmacotherapy in Older Adults – An interdisciplinary Approach’ (2023).

                Arduino Mangoni
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