Life sciences

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Journal of Mitochondria, Plastids and Endosymbiosis

Publishes findings in the fields of mitochondria, plastids and endosymbiosis. Covering topics such as cellular biology, genetics, and molecular evolution.

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Publishes original research into heritable changes in gene expression caused by mechanisms other than the DNA sequence in biological systems.
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RNA Biology
Journal publishing cutting-edge research into RNA including RNA sequencing, bioinformatics, structural biology, transcription and splicing.
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Virulence publishes research on microbial pathogenesis, infection mechanisms and host–pathogen interactions to address new challenges in infectious diseases.
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Mitochondrial DNA Part B
Open-access research on mitochondrial DNA, particularly sequencing; rapid communications on its physical chemistry, biochemistry, metabolism and interactions.
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Autophagy Reports
Autophagy Reports is home to research covering the autophagic recycling processes and their relationship to human health and disease including neurodegeneration, aging, diabetes, and cancer.
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Focuses on cell biology and nucleus structure, transport and dynamics, chromatin organization, subcellular organelles, DNA damage repair, RNA processing.
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All Life
Focuses on life science research contributing to achieving the goals of ‘Zero Hunger,’ ‘Good Health and Well-being,’ ‘Life Below Water’ and ‘Life on Land.’
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Want to publish research that makes a real impact?

Browse our portfolio of journals in life sciences and discover solutions to global issues. Find the perfect home for your next article and join high-quality cutting-edge research that is world-leading in its field.

We offer a wide range of publishing options where you can choose to publish fully open access (OA) or hybrid. Find out if your institution or country already has an OA agreement with us.

Our collection of journals under life sciences cover a wide range of topics in the field. From addressing new challenges in infectious diseases to plant biology, genetics, DNA damage repair, and more, we have a place for your research, and you have a platform to make a real-world difference.

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Publishing open access increases the visibility and readership of your research, helping you make an impact beyond your field.


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