Environmental sciences

Discover our wide selection of journals under environmental sciences

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Journal of Maps
Journal of Maps publishes maps and spatial diagrams on social and physical processes that take place on a geographical scale.
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GIScience & Remote Sensing
Publishes papers on geographic information systems, remote sensing, geocomputation, spatial data mining and geographic environmental modelling.
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Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy
Gold open-access research on sustainability transformations of societal systems to enhance global justice and equal access to energy, mobility, housing, & food.
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International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability
Research advancing understanding and practice of agricultural sustainability and transformation, agroecology, and related technologies, processes and policies.
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Ecosystems and People
Ecosystems and People addresses biodiversity, ecosystem services, their contributions to quality of life and the way people relate to nature.
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Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk
Publishes research on geospatial (GIS and GPS) and remote sensing techniques applied to risk management and early warning of natural hazards.
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Publishes research on hydroscience as a key resource for everyday use for human needs, agriculture, energy and transport, and hydraulic public works.
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Sustainable Environment
Publishing open access research across the full scope of environmental science: from ecology to conservation and environmental health to waste management. 
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Want to publish research that makes a real impact?

Browse our portfolio of journals in environmental sciences and discover solutions to global issues. Find the perfect home for your next article and join high-quality cutting-edge research that is world-leading in its field.

We offer a wide range of publishing options where you can choose to publish fully open access (OA) or hybrid. Find out if your institution or country already has an OA agreement with us.

Our collection of journals under environmental sciences cover a wide range of topics in the field. From ecology to climate change, renewables, sustainable travel, water science, natural disasters, and more, we have a place for your research, and you have a platform to make a real-world difference.

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Publishing open access increases the visibility and readership of your research, helping you make an impact beyond your field.


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