Editor-in-Chief needed for

Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk

27 August 2024

About the role

Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk is currently recruiting for an Editor-in-Chief to work with a team of Associate Editors and the Founding Editor. This role is a great opportunity for an academic with a strong research background in natural hazards associated to the land, ocean, cryosphere and atmosphere, and/or risk dealing with ground and satellite data who also has the commitment, drive, and ability to help develop the journal. As part of this role, you will be responsible for the oversight and administration of a rigorous and proper peer review process that delivers an agreed amount of content of suitable scope and quality within an agreed publication timeframe.

About the journal

Cover image - Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk is an open access journal publishing research on geospatial (GIS and GPS), physics of natural hazards and processes, and remote sensing techniques applied to risk management of natural hazards. The journal aims to address new concepts, approaches, and case studies covering different geographical, geological and environmental setups using geospatial and remote sensing techniques to study monitoring, mapping, risk mitigation, risk vulnerability, and early warning of natural hazards. Becoming the Editor-in-Chief of the journal provides an opportunity for leadership within the field of natural hazards and risk, giving the opportunity to promote diverse voices and explore new ground within the discipline. It offers the opportunity to use and build upon your own networks to promote research that makes a tangible impact on practice.
The successful candidate will provide overall leadership of the journal while overseeing the peer review of manuscripts, support and develop a strong team of Associate Editors, help shape a program of commissioned articles and collections on key topics, as well as evolve and expand our offering to authors. The position will be tied to an honorarium that will fund editorial activities, to be discussed with candidates according to their proposed vision for the journal.

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Key Skills and Attributes

At the heart of the Editor-in-Chief’s role is oversight and administration of a rigorous and proper peer review process. The peer review process will deliver:
  • An agreed minimum number of accepted articles every year
  • Within the Aims & Scope of the Journal
  • To an agreed minimum quality threshold
  • In an agreed publication timeframe
  • In accordance with the Taylor & Francis Editor Code of Conduct, with particular reference to Editorial ethics.
To achieve this Taylor & Francis provides an online peer review management system and relevant support. Within this online peer review management system the Editor is responsible for the following activities:
  • Working with the Founding Editor and Associate Editors to assess whether each submitted article is within the Journal’s scope and is appropriate for further independent peer review.
  • Regular and confident use of an online peer review management system.
  • Encouraging independent experts to register for and use the online peer review management system.
  • Ensuring all submitted manuscripts are considered in a prompt, consistent and professional manner.
  • Securing at least two independent peer reviews from appropriate experts for all manuscripts.
  • Managing Associate Editors and/or reviewers to ensure timely publication decisions.
  • Monitoring performance to ensure fair and prompt processing of submitted papers.
  • Reviewing suitability of referees.
  • Finding new referees when those approached decline, fail to respond or respond with insufficient feedback.
  • Ensuring that authors, members of the Editorial Board, and referees/reviewers adhere to the Journal’s Guidelines on Publishing Ethics to assure the integrity and reputation of the Journal is maintained.
  • Reading, summarizing, and basing judgements about acceptance, rejection, or revision on referees’ reports, and communicating this in writing to authors in a professional manner and within a reasonable period.
  • Requesting further reports for subsequently revised papers, communicating as necessary authors’ responses and arguments.
  • Liaising with Associate Editors to ensure workload is divided fairly, that their role and responsibility is understood and that expectations around turnaround and quality have been defined.
  • Communicating promptly, consistently and professionally with authors during the peer review and publication process.
  • Liaising promptly with Taylor & Francis staff and suppliers to implement necessary processes and improvements to the online peer review management system.

Alongside management of the peer review process, other responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief include:

  • Proactively and effectively managing the Journal’s Editorial Board (in close collaboration with the Founding Editor) including refreshing its membership periodically to ensure appropriate expertise and diversity, providing members with updates, and arranging and leading meetings.
  • Acting proactively on any expressions of concern or allegations of research misconduct received about content published in the Journal, assisting and working with Taylor & Francis to resolve these according to the Journal’s Guidelines on Publishing Ethics.
  • Being actively involved in subject communities, identifying emerging research trends, and awareness and understanding of major developments in the publishing industry, such as open research and Open Access.
  • Taking part in an annual review of the Journal’s performance with Taylor & Francis to set strategic development and development goals, including the Journal’s Aims & Scope.
  • Reaching out to potential authors to encourage and support authors in developing their work and submitting it to the Journal.
  • Commissioning content and article collections for the Journal.

Application Instructions

A Role Profile for the the Editor-in-Chief is available on request. Applications should include your CV, a Cover Letter and a Vision Statement. Your Vision Statement should be no longer than 1 page and include:
  • Where you believe the field is going, and the journal’s place within it
  • How you would work in partnership with the Associate Editors and Editorial Board
  • How you would maintain and increase the quality of submissions
  • How you would work with authors.
For any questions or the role profile, please contact Tricia Pantos ([email protected])


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The journal is committed to ensuring diversity, equity and inclusion within its editorial team and decision making processes. All applications will be treated as strictly confidential, and each will be judged on its merits without bias for seniority of institutional affiliation. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, or religious creed, mental or physical disability, medical condition, genetic information, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, military or protected veteran status, citizenship, or other protected characteristics.