Call for Papers

Communication Monographs


Srividya Ramasubramanian – Syracuse University, USA

Editorial Assistant: 

Ashley Gwen Hay, Syracuse University

Emily Riewestahl, Syracuse University, USA

Associate Editors:

Sun Joo “Grace” Ahn, University of Georgia, USA

Yea-Wen Chen, San Diego State University, USA

Parul Jain, Ohio University, USA

Amanda R. Martinez, Davidson College, USA

Tomeka Robinson, Hofstra University, USA

Muniba Saleem, University of California Santa Barbara, USA

Meghan Sanders, Louisiana State University

Lu Tang, Texas A&M University, USA

Communication Monographs

As a flagship journal of the National Communication Association, Communication Monographs publishes original and cutting-edge research that contributes to the broader understanding of communication. We invite manuscripts that make significant contributions to advancing understanding of complex communication issues of theoretical, conceptual, methodological, and/or social importance.

We welcome all methodological approaches. These can be in the form of quantitative and qualitative empirical research, theoretical argument, critical analysis, rhetorical analysis, and textual analysis. Manuscripts that bridge, blend, and build on multiple methods, theories, and perspectives in meaningful ways are especially welcome.

Since we receive a high volume of submissions, we will be partial to manuscripts that are intellectually innovative, make cogent arguments, and are relevant to the discipline as a whole. Approaches to answering questions should be clearly relevant to the topic of enquiry, rigorous in terms of both argument and method, cognizant of alternative interpretations, inclusive in citational practices, and contextualized within the wider body of communication scholarship.

As the first scholar of color and immigrant to serve as the editor of Communication Monographs, I am committed to supporting scholarship that disrupts the taken-for-granted assumptions of traditional Anglocentric research, centers on historically marginalized identities, and cuts across established geographical and subfield boundaries. In collaboration with our diverse and accomplished associate editors, editorial board members, and reviewers, I aim to make Communication Monographs inclusive, relevant, and representative of the entire communication discipline.

Submission Formats

In addition to continuing to publish traditional full-length manuscripts, I am excited to introduce a new forum format called “Dialogues on Difference.” Forum editors will facilitate dialogues among 4-5 leading communication scholars on cutting-edge, socially-relevant, and timely issues relating to difference and diversity. Dialogues must engage scholarship from an array of subfields, theoretical approaches, and methodological orientations to advance multi-perspectival understanding of contemporary communication topics. Final manuscripts must not exceed 10,000 words, including references, tables, figures, and endnotes. If you are interested in serving as a forum editor, please submit a two-page proposal via email to the editor at [email protected] with “Dialogues on Difference Proposal” in the subject line. The proposal should include the significance of the selected topic, proposed format, brief bio and rationale for choice of dialogue participants, peer review process, expected timeline, and potential impact. In keeping with our editorial vision, we encourage participation from scholars from diverse institutions, backgrounds, subfields, and geographic regions.

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