The Lewis Aron Prize

Psychoanalytic Dialogues

February 28, 2024 marked the fifth anniversary of the death of our dear friend and admired colleague, Lewis Aron, former Director of the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis for 21 years, one of the founding editors of Psychoanalytic Dialogues, and leading international figure in the development and advancement of Relational Psychoanalysis.

Lew was an extraordinary scholar, teacher, mentor, writer, and gifted clinician. He authored more than 112 articles and chapters, as well as the highly influential books, A Meeting of the Minds: Mutuality in PsychoanalysisA Psychotherapy for the People: Toward a Progressive Psychoanalysis (with Karen Starr); and Dramatic Dialogues: Contemporary Clinical Practice (with Galit Atlas) – which each became classics, breaking new ground in the theory and the application of contemporary psychoanalysis. He founded and was the senior editor of the Relational Book Series Perspectives (with Adrienne Harris); together, they shepherded the publication of 115 books.

In honor of his memory, Psychoanalytic Dialogues is delighted to announce the Lewis Aron Prize for an original paper by a new and emerging author, which will be published in Psychoanalytic DialoguesIssue 1, 2025 with a $1,000 award. The prize is intended to foster innovative thought and dialogue and aimed at the development of new voices in psychoanalysis. Rather than focus on a single topic, we invite papers that are broadly inspired by Lew’s capacious curiosity and vibrant intellectual sensibility.

Submission Instructions

The paper must be unpublished (but may have been presented at a professional meeting) and the length of the manuscript should not exceed 8500 words.

Submissions are due September 1, 2024. Decisions shall be announced on November 1, 2024.

Please email one Word document containing the manuscript with all references to the author deleted and a second Word document containing the author’s name, email address, postal address, phone number, and any institutional affiliation to our managing editor, Jeff Jackson: [email protected].

Feel free to contact the Editors with questions at [email protected].

We look forward to your submissions,
Amy Schwartz-Cooney, Lauren Levine, Stephen Hartman, and Jack Foehl