Clinical Medicine


Taylor & Francis 旗下的医学与健康期领域拥有近400本相关期刊,涵盖免疫学、肿瘤医学、药学、神经学、生物学、全科医学、医学教育学等多个领域,关注基础、转化和临床的各个阶段优质研究成果。其中,超过100本期刊致力于发表临床医学实践中的创新发现、实战经验、深度理论探索和典型病例解析等内容,95%已获得影响因子!超70%已被SCI(科学引文索引)或SSCI(社会科学引文索引)权威收录!

重点学科 & 期刊列表

Journal of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Impact Factor: 4.2 (2023)

Publishes open access research on hepatocellular carcinoma, focusing on signaling pathways, tumor classification, radiology, drug treatment and epidemiology.

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International Journal of Hyperthermia
Impact Factor: 3.0 (2023)
Publishes articles on various aspects of thermal energy and thermal therapy in clinical, biological or engineering studies involving human or animals.
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OncoTargets and Therapy
Impact Factor: 2.7 (2023)

Publishes open access molecular research on all types of cancer, including therapeutic targets and regimens, diagnosis, pathology, and novel treatments.

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Cancer Investigation
Impact Factor: 1.8 (2023)
Publishes original papers, essays, reports on new technologies, and reviews in the fields of translational and clinical oncology.It offers accelerated publication.
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Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience
Impact Factor:
Open Access journal publishing at the interface between clinical neuropsychiatry and the neurosciences focussing on relevant clinical, biological, and therapeutic aspects.
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Nature and Science of Sleep
Impact Factor: 3.0 (2023)

Publishes open access research on the neurophysiology and functions of sleep, the genetics of sleep, biological rhythms, dreaming, sleep disorders and therapy.

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Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics
Impact Factor: 3.4 (2023)
A MEDLINE-indexed journal providing expert commentary on the use of drugs and medicines in clinical neurology and neuropsychiatry. It offers accelerated publication.
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Behavioral Sleep Medicine
Impact Factor: 2.2 (2023)
Focuses on sleep disorders, sleep-related symptoms, insomnia and associated behavioural, cognitive, emotional, physiological and mental health problems.
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Impact Factor: 2.9 (2023)
Climacteric publishes research into menopause, climacteric and mid-life health, including counselling and education of peri- and post- menopausal women. 
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Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology
Impact Factor: 2.1 (2023)
Focuses on psychosomatic and psychosocial aspects of women’s health in various disciplines such as gynecology, obstetrics, nursing, psychiatry and psychology.
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International Journal of Audiology
Impact Factor: 1.8 (2023)
An international journal publishing research into audiology and hearing sciences including psychoacoustics, hearing impairment and rehabilitation devices. 
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Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry
Impact Factor: 1.5 (2023)
Publishes open access research on dentistry, focusing on cosmetic intervention, including novel materials, techniques and devices, surgery, and orthodontics.


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Clinical and Experimental Optometry
Impact Factor: 1.7 (2023)
Publishes research in optometry and vision science, including clinical refraction, spectacle and contact lenses, eye disease, and ocular therapeutics.
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Psychology Research and Behavior Management
Impact Factor: 2.8 (2023)

Publishes open access research on behavioral, cognitive and social neuroscience, psychophysiology, behavior management and learning.

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International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice
Impact Factor: 2.9 (2023)
Focuses on mental health, neuropsychopharmacology, neuropsychiatry, clinical neurophysiology, psychotherapy, addiction, depression, anxiety and schizophrenia.
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Psychology, Health & Medicine
Impact Factor: 2.3 (2023)
Publishes research on human factors in health and illness, biopsychosocial approaches to medical care and management, and psychology and health in practice.
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Journal of Psychoactive Drugs
Impact Factor: 2.1 (2023)
Focuses on drug abuse, dependence, addiction, rehabilitation and research, hallucinogens, psychotherapy and counseling of individuals and families.
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Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences
Impact Factor: 6.6 (2023)
Publishes reviews on clinical laboratory aspects of biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, transfusion medicine, genetics, immunology and molecular diagnostics.
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Impact Factor: 2.0 (2023)
Accepts studies on humans/animals on biomarkers of disease, exposure, response and susceptibility, focusing on relationships between markers and effects. It offers accelerated publication.
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Expert Review of Clinical Immunology
Impact Factor: 3.9 (2023)
A MEDLINE-indexed, peer-reviewed journal providing the latest research on the performance of new therapeutic and diagnostic modalities in clinical immunology. This journal offers accelerated publication.
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Clinical Epidemiology
Impact Factor: 3.4 (2023)

Publishes open access research on epidemiology and clinical care, including electronic records, data-gathering, diagnostic procedures and predictive markers.

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Immunological Medicine
Impact Factor: 2.7 (2023)
Advances in the field of clinical immunology including autoimmune and infectious diseases that require immunological approaches from various medical fields.
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The European Journal of General Practice
Impact Factor: 2.3 (2023)
Publishes open access research on medical decision-making, healthcare delivery, medical education, and research methodology for primary care practice.
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医学与健康及其他各学科高水平国际期刊,请访问 Taylor & Francis Group 旗下学术期刊网站, 欢迎相关学科研究人员向您青睐的杂志投稿。





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