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Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research

For an Article Collection on

Hydrological and Ecological Responses to the March 2022 Extreme Polar Weather Events

Manuscript deadline
01 July 2024

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Article collection guest advisor(s)

Prof. J. E. Barrett, Virginia Tech, USA
[email protected]

Prof. Peter Doran, Louisiana State University, USA
[email protected]

Prof. Brendan Kelly, University of Alaska, USA
[email protected]

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Hydrological and Ecological Responses to the March 2022 Extreme Polar Weather Events

The polar regions experienced record heat waves in March 2022. In the Arctic, a Polar Vortex drove March temperatures 30 °C above average and sea ice extent was the lowest on record for this typically cold month. In the Antarctic, an Atmospheric River funneled warm air across the continent where record temperatures were observed at multiple research stations in continental East Antarctica. We are organizing an Article Collection of Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research to present and interpret examples of the physical, hydrological, ecological, and human responses to these extreme climate events pole to pole. We are soliciting papers describing how these climate anomalies occurred as extreme weather in polar environments and how the cryosphere, hydrology, resident biota, and ecosystems responded.


  • Documentation of meteorology and physical effects on cryosphere, g., glaciers, permafrost, ice-covered lakes.
  • Hydrological responses
  • Organismal response, e.g., changes in physiology, life history (mortality and/or fecundity), populations, and species relative abundance.
  • Ecosystem-level responses, e.g., changes in biomass, production, nutrient pools and fluxes.
  • Influences on marine fisheries
  • Impacts on Indigenous communities in the Arctic
  • Lag effects of event on physical, hydrological, or ecological systems

Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research is a peer-reviewed open access interdisciplinary journal dedicated to cold regions physical and environmental research. AAAR accepts research articles, review articles, short communications, and data notes. Specifically-formatted science briefs may be submitted to the journal’s Arctic Answers Collection, and could be included in both Collections, if applicable.

Please contact Managing Editor Jen Hall-Bowman with any questions ([email protected]).

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All manuscripts submitted to this Article Collection will undergo desk assessment and peer-review as part of our standard editorial process. Guest Advisors for this collection will not be involved in peer-reviewing manuscripts unless they are an existing member of the Editorial Board. Please review the journal Aims and Scope and author submission instructions prior to submitting a manuscript.