Information & Technology

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We have carefully curated a range of Information & Technology journals for your selection. At the core of this list are journals that serve the world-wide scientific community covering Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology, Information Science, Nanoscience and Technology, Science and Technology Studies!

As one of the world’s leading publishers of scholarly journals, Taylor & Francis strives to offer the very best publishing experience.

Maximize the impact of your research in Information & Technology through increased visibility and discoverability when you publish with us!

Key Focus

Applied Artificial Intelligence

Focuses on research on artificial intelligence, including applications to solve engineering, administration and education tasks, and evaluations of AI systems.
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Cybernetics and Systems

Presents research on cybernetics, systems theory, complexity research and applications of cybernetics and systems methods in science, humanities and technology.
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Connection Science

Focuses on aspects of Computer Science which explore the convergence of analytic and synthetic sciences, including artificial intelligence and neuroscience.
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Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence

Publishes theoretical and applied research on artificial intelligence, including cognitive science, games, learning, perception and memory and neural modeling.
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Journal of Information and Telecommunication

Publishes Open Access original research on all aspects of telecommunications, information technology, media technologies and media communications
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Information Security Journal

Publishes research on security-related tools, policy and technology like telecommunications, computer operations and physical, cloud and cryptography security.
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International Journal of Computers and Applications

Peer-reviewed international journal focusing on high-impact innovations, research outcomes and advances in computer science, engineering and applications.
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Enterprise Information Systems

Publishes on the theory and applications of enterprise information systems, from architecture and design to modelling and integration.
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Science & Technology Libraries

Publishes research on all aspects that concern the profession of librarians serving science, engineering, clinical investigation, and agriculture.
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Journal of Global Information Technology Management

Publishes articles on the application of information technology for international business, covering e-commerce, privacy & security, data flow issues and more.
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The Information Society

Publishes research on the Information Age, transborder data flow, regulation, information policy and impact of information on organizational performance.
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International Information & Library Review

Publishes current and anecdotal information for library and information professionals in public, academic, special, government and corporate environments.
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Journal of Experimental Nanoscience

Showcases original multidisciplinary experimental work on nanotechnology and nanomaterials in physics, biology, chemistry, engineering, materials and medicine.
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Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures

International and interdisciplinary forum focusing on original carbon research including fullerenes, nanotubes, nanodiamond, graphene and carbon nanostructures.
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Journal of Responsible Innovation

Journal of Responsible Innovation publishes research on the normative practice, assessment and governance of knowledge-based innovation.
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Journal of Responsible Innovation

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Information Technology for Development

Research on the effects of information technology on economic, social and human development including ethics, digital innovation and medical informatics.
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Engineering Studies

Publishes work on scholarly study of engineers and engineering, focusing on the critical analysis and understanding of engineering practices and relationships.
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Research articles are more than just a manuscript. It is a tool that facilitates shared and verified knowledge that could push one’s boundaries within the specialised field.
Yet, we understand how daunting and time-consuming it can take to publish an article.

Taylor & Francis ensures that researchers are supported every step of the way during the publication process. We offer a full range of services to take care of straightening out your manuscript and maximizing impact so you can focus on your research.

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Relevant Resources

English Language Editing

English Language Editing

Features and Benefits:

  • Ensure manuscripts meet international standards of scholarly English.

  • Detailed language check (grammar, punctuation, spelling, and terminology)

  • Receive inputs and manuscript feedback report

Scientific editing

Scientific Editing

Features and Benefits:

  • Gain comprehensive feedback from experienced reviewers and senior editors with relevant industry experience

  • Receive a detailed technical review of your manuscript

  • Improve the overall structure and flow of your journal article

Manuscript Formatting

Manuscript Formatting

Features and Benefits:

  • Meet layout guidelines and conventions

  • Ensure manuscript matches your journal’s style guide

  • Ensure accuracy of cited references while complying with journal guidelines